Just a list of total conversion mods (including submods) so I can keep track easier (and not clutter my mod list) Items (45) Apres Moi Le Deluge. One of the best mods out there, if you are Fallout fan, definitely check it. The mod has a lot of focus trees, new 3D models, a unique tech-tree, new mechanics and more. The entire map has been redrawn and replaced with one big North America. And as long as your setup can handle it, you're going to want to download and install all 5 of AdamosTomatos' texture packs 2) Old World Blues A mod set in the Fallout Universe (A retro-futuristic post-nuclear North America). As with any game, one of the first things modders always improve is graphics. WW1 Start Dates: 1910 - WW2 Start Dates: 1933 & 1936 - Massive Technology Tree 1900-2060 - Massive Generic Focus Tree (1910-2060) - Reworked Law System with much more immersionĢ5. It will allow you to play 160 years of world history.

Can you guys have a look over the second Balkan war when Romania is invited to participate into war (Punish Bulgaria event), ends with.

Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War - Open Beta 0.12.1 The Great War - Open Beta 0.12.1 (13 December 2020) Preview.